
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 07, 2014, at 04:39 AMerika

Yesterday: Sick day. Friday was mostly spent in meetings and writing emails, discussing motivations, challenges, and direction. This included career counseling drop-in, and discussing with both supervisors. While important, this still leaves work to be done on the paper. Started laying out the presentation, including possible future directions for the PhD project. See about getting a sample candidacy presentation from somewhere.

Today: Wrap up related-work section of the single author paper for candidacy. Finish mathematical descriptions. Get a chunk of the results section done, and start tackling the abstract. Consider checking out a couple more motivations and future work of other animated articulated research. Read more...

Roadblocks: N/A

Where Does this Fit In: The single author paper demonstrates to the committee my capacity to write which in turn demonstrates my ability to communicate effectively and share my ideas with a broader audience.

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