The original plan was for a 9am start, with 3 to 4 hours to skiing wherever there was good snow. Unfortunately as the day approached, the temperatures were clearly in favour of Bragg Creek, where the forecast was only -16oC. With that being the high temperature, and it being my speedy skier friend, we figured a later start would be fine. Instead we met at Shouldice at noon, and headed out to Bragg Creek.
The roads in Calgary, and around Bragg Creek were made of compact snow and ice, but the highways were wonderfully clear. Safe driving and snow tires seemed like the way to go. A quick u-turn was required after one of us *cough* forgot where the Bragg Creek turn off for the ski trails is. The parking lot at West Bragg actually had a fair number of people and pooches, though of the two lots, only one had cars and was about three quarters full at best. Snowshoers, mountain bikers, backcountry skiers off to Moose Mountain, and cross country skiers were all coming and going.
With skis on, we quickly discovered that the trails nearest the parking lot were all packed, but not (obviously) groomed. We headed off with a plan for Iron Springs. My speedy skier friend had a great time exploring the off trails, while I kept to the planned loop. Saw and heard the tracksetter go by, and discovered that a single track was being put in - such a shiny trail! I took a few pictures to capture the sparkly snow on the trees. Although I didn't take off the warm layers I'd brought, and did use the buff to keep my nose warm from time to time, I was never actually cold, and by the time I was back at the car had started sweating a bit but had been too lazy to de-layer. A few tufts of grass peeked out of the tracks every so often, but nothing disastrous. We were back at the car within an hour and a half, enjoyed some tea and home made gourmet trail mix, and headed back home. I'll have to file away that when the conditions are good, Bragg Creek as a good quick loop for a dull afternoon. Also, I want to go check out the snowshoe trails at some point. And maybe see where this Moose Mountain back country skier went/came from...
Oh, and while there was a sign saying "Bear in Area," no bear was seen. I'm really hoping its not Boss (aka. the notorious grizzly No. 122).